Our Cast and Crew


Scott Davis

On-Air Talent

Scott was born in Berea, Ohio and grew up in Medina, Ohio. He started going to the Akron University in 1987 for a BFA degree in Technical Theatre concentrating in Lighting Design and Technology and was going to minor in communications radio.  After college Mr. Davis went on to join the U.S. Navy. After the Navy he returned to what he loved the best and that was technical theatre. He continued to run his company, Davis Lighting Designs, which he started right after high school, and has proceeded to work in almost every state in the US at just about every coliseum, convention center, or stadium ever built. As time goes by, he just keeps doing what he does until he can finally get back to the state he loves, Ohio.

Burke Davis

On-Air Talent

Burke was born in Akron Ohio, but moved over the U.S. to such places as Chicago IL, Manassas VA, Atlanta GA and Newport Beach CA to name a few.  He went to the University of Akron in 1985 in Technical Theatre.  He met a great group of people including his "adopted" brother Scott.  Burke now lives in Canton OH with his wife and two daughters.

Larry (Lil Greasy) Hanlon

Social Media Director

Mike Hunt

Video and Animation Technician

He's a little shy

Jordan Huett

Director of Live Animal Training

Enough said!

Gorlock The Destroyer

Vice President of Hospitality

Ummm yeah, it was a diversity hire.