The Episode Guide

Episode Guide

Burke and I did a music show our first season and it was good but I never posted it. The production values were just not up to par so we re-did the show. This is our top forty hits from our time growing up. 80's and 90's hits that helped shape us through the years. In this episode we go through our number 13 to 1 in our list. This is part two....

Burke and I did a music show our first season and it was good but I never posted it. The production values were just not up to par so we re-did the show. This is our top forty hits from our time growing up. 80's and 90's hits that helped shape us through the years. In this episode we go through our number 20 to 14 in both of our lists....

The final film of Peter Jackson's The Lord of the Rings Trilogy get's it's due chance to be talked about in full detail. Congratulations to Peter Jackson and J.R.R. Tolkien for creating a spectacular trilogy of literature being put into video legacy. Oh yeah and Sam stops bu to say hello to the audience and be recognized as the director...